Stubbornness Incarnate
What is said in this comic really happened. It also might be about someone you know. Someone who refused to play World of Warcraft when I extolled the game, only to be completely consumed by it a few months later when ‘someone else’ suggested it to them. Why do they do this to me? I really can’t express, with words, the frustration this causes. That’s why there’s this comic instead.
I think it’s a flaw, in humanity. When you suggest a treat to someone that they would like, they immediately go into some mode where their goal is to ignore you. I can’t tell you the number of times I have told friends to read Harry Potter, or listen to the Justin Bieber album only to be rebuked, or called hurtful names. Sometimes I tell children they will like some candy, and they also have a bad reaction; a lot of screaming and running. Of course, not long after, these people ‘discover’ these nuggets of wealth on their own. Imagine that. Maybe it’s evolution.
Back in the neanderthal days, it was common practice for one caveman to suggest to another caveman that something amazing was by the lake. Turns out, that ‘something amazing’ was a hungry cougar. Not the hot-older-woman kind, either. The kind that eats you, face first. This lead to humanity’s refusal to listen to me. Survival of the fittest, I guess.
Discussion (9) ¬
Justin Bieber? Really? I refuse… that’s NOT a nugget of wealth!
This happens.
You all will succumb to the greatness of this comic, one day!!
I am totally the blonde guy in this with my best friend. Only more substantive stuff, like cities, girls and jobs. Yet he always manages to make it as if he is right now and I was wrong then.
There’s a lot of judgment going on here, and I ain’t taking the stance that Sam (not blonde guy) is entirely correct.
But Sam is entirely correct. Are you suggesting that, because having babies is a good idea at some point, that at all times it’s a good idea?
yea that’s a noble sentiment. babies. come on. are you seriously suggesting that a texting plan, a data plan, or WoW is equivalent to having a baby? or, that your life really changed SO MUCH in those few months (or even weeks, in some cases)? that’s a bunch of horse shit.
admit your wrong-doing, or i will wipe your goddamn nose in it. like a dog.
I’m sorry to say that I am just like that “someone” you mentioned in this way… just now joining twitter after years of resistance… only not too long ago broke down and got an unlimited texting plan after dismissing others who had suggested to me that I should… Alas, it’s so sad but true. But at least I didn’t call them hurtful names.
PS – I love your subtle sense of humor :D
really? you are like that “someone”? you’re a jerk, and i hate you.
PS – thank you for the compliment. it makes me not hate you.