Sexy female human tiger hybrids from the future that are so good at online PC games they play with one hand? Yeah, it’s a legitimate concern.
This is the first strip we finished, and it’s mostly a reproduction of an actual conversation. When the comic began Sophy and I had designed a couple of characters with sketches and outlines, and I was walking around a shopping mall wishing I could steal this MSN conversation I’d had with Terrence because it would make a great comic. That was seven months ago. I feel the solution worked out well.
Take a look for the Easter egg Sophy hid in the comic; it’s an homage to two things gaming related. If you don’t get either, I’m surprised you read this far. [Sope’s Remark: There’s more–can you list all the references within this comic? I dare everyone to guess in the comments section. Don’t be shy!]
Discussion (6) ¬
seven months is a long time. your intent to steal my words is new information to me, i may stop talking to you over this.
Are you sure you didnt spell Liger wrong? They are pretty much my favorite animal.. bred for its skills in witchcraft!
(yes i know its a long time ago, god bless stumbleupon)
The easter eggs:
Pac man poster
Striger, or Striga, a monster from The Witcher. Also the tiger lady, the only Striga we ever see has the same “haircut” and colour.
Yeah, think thats it…
you found more than me, and i helped write it. so you win. your prize is more comics, in the future.
Darkstalkers!!! There was a arcade/video game called DarkSTALKERS that had a very similar hybrid cat/chick character awhile back.