Mists of Pandaria
Some of the comic today exaggerates, but not as much as you’d think. In the new World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria expansion there will be pandas, there will be pet battles, there are free 80s to be had, and if we all cry “TIGERIA” loud enough I believe we can make it happen.
Blizzard had this idea for World of Warcraft called a “Scroll of Resurrection.” The reason most people play MMOs is because their friends do, so what better way to keep you in the game (paying the monthly subscription) than if you could invite back your friends who had left? Your friend gets a month free of play and then is likely to continue playing with you.
Now the Scroll of Resurrection comes with a free level 80 character. It doesn’t even have to a character you already created, you can make a new one and instantly have it go from level 1 to level 80. To put this into perspective, in the early days of World of Warcraft you might log into your level 50 character, play all day, and hope to gain one level in your session.
I’m all for new ideas on how to make the game more fun, but my heart needs whimsy. My heart needs tigers.
Eh, just abandon the world of Azeroth and start a new MMO on Third Earth. Thundercats: HO! Online or some such. Make it happen. Be the developer. Secure the license!
It’s sad how excited that makes me. I can feel the magic and hear the roar already.
Lions, Tigers and Bears? Oh my, that would be my MMO fantasy.
Personally, I was sad with the direction WoW went. Sure they eliminated a lot of the grind, but sanitizing all the potentially frustrating aspects of the game away seems abit extreme and isn’t exactly conducive to challenging gameplay.
You could start challenging mobs nekkid?
My days of being an internet warrior (prot/fury specc) are long gone. The Gurubashi trolls were simply too numerous and powerful for a simple man such as I. Yes, I challenged 50 enemies nekkid and I was defeated. Stripped of honor as I was my garments.
Sorry man….I see your point but I just don’t want to go through that again. And again. Like every time something needs to be challenging -> mass pull stuff. The only thing that really kept me going was “LOLKI FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY U DO DIS!?!” on vent. Usually it worked out.
Moral: Become a space wizard or a paladin they’re easy mode. Oh wait…uh?
yo Tawky Tawny up in this
People should read the Wikipedia on this. Even the description is worthwhile. So odd. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawky_Tawny