Day of the Tentacle Fetish
I was so excited we finally made a Day of the Tentacle script that I told a few people it was coming, thinking they would get excited. But mostly I got: “What’s Day of the Tentacle?”
Day of the Tentacle is an adventure game similar to Sierra titles like King’s Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, or Space Quest. (It’s a sequel to Maniac Mansion, it’s pixely, glorious Mother, which you can actually play in DOTT.) In these games you walk around gathering items and using/combining them to accomplish specific tasks. For example, one task in Day of the Tentacle is to paint a fence white, so you can shove a cat under there to make it look like a skunk, which you can then use to clear a room of people. Here, taste the intro:
It’s everything you could ask from a time-travelling, tentacle-taking-over-the-world, comedy, adventure game. Somewhere out there games like this surely still exist. Please, if you know any of them, suggest them in the comments below. It will make our world a better place.
From what I’ve seen… if he was really reading fan fiction, I don’t think he’d have any question what those tentacles were for.
check out Ben There, Dan That and Time Gentlemen, Please!
also McPixel for some fast silly adventure game fun.
I will! I will! Thank you kindly for those suggestions. All our hearts need this.
Hahaha. The first two lines just made my day. I laughed aloud, mostly out of surprise.
When I was a kid, around 7 or 8, my grandfather bought me a packet of computer games that he said he loved to play himself. Inside the pack were Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, and Zak MacKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. If you’re looking for an old game as amazing as dott, look no further than Zak. It has everything. Love, ten gallon hats, soothing a dolphin with a kazoo, going to Mars, spring break, sarcasm, and adventure.
Thanks for doing a dott comic, I loved that game!
And thank you for sharing your story with us! I’ll have to check Zak out.
This comic makes me want to scour the net for a copy of DotT and fire up Dosbox.
Thank you, Sir, you made my day!
I haven’t laughed that hard in quite a while, mostly because I now realize that you confirm suspicions my subconscious must have been harboring for all these years.
If memory servers correctly, Edna was rather kinky, too. I’d like to see something about her next!
It’s sad they don’t make adventure games like that any more.
Edna appeared to be completely insane and from what I hear, the crazies are in kind in the sack. ;)
The last wacky adventure game that I remember playing was Starship Titanic. The puzzles weren’t too tough, and it was a first-person perspective (unlike MM or DotT), so a bit different but not all bad.
Any rate, check out for old school games on the cheap.
I … I love Titanic and Starships. I will go to that place.