A Funny Webmaster Email We Received by 2D on April 19, 2012 at 1:52 pm Posted In: Posts If this is spam it is my new favourite kind. If it IS legitimate I am terribly interested.
As an artist, I’m curious to see what this graphic is. I really have no idea what to expect.
ill second the interest… seems like its a “too-concerned” activist or spam genius.
True genius. Maybe we should post something unsanitary and recommend unsanitary practices and see what happens.
Sometimes I’ve been known to blog about pooping. Where is MY email? *cries*
I will pray for that day to occur for you friendo.
I think we NEED to see this graphic…
So I’ve guess they’ve done it then. They made a spam I can’t ignore. BE WARNED FRIENDS. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOUUUUU
I can only hope that I helped you get this email. :P
SUSPICIOUS. You know the path to my heart is lined with poop. DID YOU DO THIS?